A sense of belonging

Growing up amidst the vibrant cultural tapestry of Mexico City, I was immersed in an environment where every public building, from libraries and hospitals to schools and universities, bore testimony to the exuberance of monumental public art. These captivating installations became my childhood companions, engaging me in a silent dialogue that unveiled stories and secrets, accessible to all who sought their narratives.

The artistic opulence that graced these public spaces was nothing short of majestic—immense and timeless in its allure. This raised a plethora of questions within me: How did these remarkable works of art come into existence? Who were the visionaries behind them? My curiosity ignited a relentless desire to unravel the secrets of their creation.

At the age of 15, comprehending the processes involved in crafting murals akin to those by O'Gorman, Rivera, or Orozco seemed an insurmountable task, shrouded in the mystique of pure magic. Such a gigantic labor!

Two decades later, suspended 50 feet above the ground on a mechanical lift, maneuvering it with a slight joystick, in a foreign country I came to a profound realization…

In that solitary moment, hovering in the air, I acknowledged that the enchantment I had perceived as a child was no mere illusion. The wizards behind these awe-inspiring artworks were not mythical beings; rather, they were skilled artisans and creators, weaving their magic in the realm of Public Art, leading the path for me.